Improving the health of our watershed to benefit our communities and increase the enjoyment of our resources.
Bringing together residents, landowners, corporations, other nonprofit organizations and governmental agencies to get things done.
Find out about our organization,
mission, our goals, and how you can get involved.
Download Data
Access to surface and groundwater data collected by Lewis and Clark County’s Water Quality Protection District
View the projects we have been able to accomplish through collaboration with agencies, organizations, and individuals.
Upcoming local events and meetings
Our Values
Connectivity & Community
We are all connected through our values and needs for things like clean water, clean air, productive agriculture, healthy landscapes for recreation, and a thriving economy. We have to work together to protect these necessities now, and ensure them for future generations.
Support for both rural and urban areas
Agricultural lands provide so many benefits to our communities such as important ecosystem functions and healthy foods.
well-informed and engaged citizens
Connecting you to the local ‘movers and shakers,’ we’ll do our best to let you know about any important public meetings or actions you should know about.
Knowledge is power, and we want to empower all citizens in the watershed with relevant, accurate information regarding the latest watershed sciences, as well as access to local, trusted data