Board Members
carolyn demartino
Carolyn was born in Anaconda, MT. At the age of 5 she moved to southeastern South Dakota. Much like Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz she kept saying “I want to go home.” In 1992 after obtaining enough education (B.S. Earth Science from the University of SD) and experience (worked 10 years for the SD Geological Survey) Carolyn was able to return to Montana to work at the Montana Department of Environmental Quality. Carolyn has been on the Lake Helena Watershed Group Steering Committee since 2006. In her spare time, Carolyn enjoys being a member of the Helena Mineralogical Society, a member of the Ladies Ancient Order of Hibernians, and spending time outdoors with her Newfoundland dog Angel.
Dean Yashan
Dean spends much of his time enjoying Montana while hiking, hunting, fishing, or camping. He has an M.S. in Environmental Science from the Colorado School of Mines and has spent the past 30 years working in the water quality field, with 21 of those years at the Montana DEQ until his recent retirement. As a Lake Helena Watershed Group Board Member, he will be able to continue working with others on watershed improvement activities.
Jennifer McBroom
Matt Ferrell