With your help, and the help of our partners, we can accomplish a lot.
crystal springs restoration
Teaming up with the City of Helena and private landowners, we would like to see Crystal Springs be restored and re-connected to Tenmile Creek. This small creek as the potential to provide great spawning habitat for fisheries.
Potential Grants:
DNRC RFP, Future Fisheries,
potential partners:
City of Helena, others…
Private donations total:
Goal: $200,000
Lake helena south shore restoration
The south shore of Lake Helena is owner by Northwestern Energy and is leased for grazing. We could team up with NWE, and other interested partners, to restore this shoreline to improve critical bird and wildlife habitat, and increase filtration of runoff into the lake.
Potential Grants:
Future Fisheries,
Private donations total:
Goal: $200,000
city of helena Rain garden installation
Rain gardens can help capture runoff from the steep streets of the City of Helena, reducing flood impacts in the Valley by allowing more water to infiltrate the ground and get taken up by plants.
Potential Grants:
potential partners:
City of Helena, others…
Private donations total:
Goal: $200,000
edible landscaping
Why not have our landscaping provide community members with easy access to fresh food? Let’s start converting expensive landscaping in the City with easy to maintain, edible plants and herbs.
Potential Grants:
potential partners:
City of Helena, others…